SMC Design Studio


Passive House Architecture is a new way of building that creates a better quality of life. It’s more energy-efficient, healthier, and more comfortable. We are a sustainable design firm. Our goal is to create a building that is sensitive to natural resources and the environment.


Learn more about what we do at SMC Design Studio and how we can help you with your next project. 

If you want to discuss your new concept reach out to us today because we have the passion for experience, architectural and engineering knowledge and creativity to help you out.

Consenting (Building, resource)

At SMC Design Studio, we build design, consent and resource management strategies to deliver outstanding architecture and urban design outcomes.

We create unique visions, deliver infrastructure and implement innovative urban design strategies.

Presentational Renders

Do you need a render of your latest design project? We can help you! We have a range of options to suit your needs and budget. We create architectural presentation renders of the highest quality.

Our customers love our work, and we guarantee you'll love it too!

Energy Efficiency, Passive House

Passive House Architecture is a new way of building that creates a better quality of life. It's more energy efficient, healthier, and more comfortable. We are a sustainable design firm.

Our goal is to create a building that is sensitive to natural resources and the environment.

Combined with energy-efficient heating solutions, a house build within the Passive House concept creates a house that is delightful to be in.

Relatively new, the ‘Passive House’ term became quickly overused and even lost its meaning.

For many people, Passive House simply means an increased amount of insulation. It is not that simple. A truly Passive design should feature high thermal wall mass, carefully oriented fenestration, effective shading devices, natural and mechanical ventilation and only then, the increased insulation.

Discover New Designs

From the very beginning, every project is approached from a holistic perspective.